60% Lift in Sales with 3D Technology

MG+BW replaced traditional photography with futureproofed 3D assets and saw immediate ROI

what we did

3D Assets Creation

Headway Virtual Studio

360 Spin & 4K Zoom



As a longtime industry leader in premium custom furniture, Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams offers customizable furniture across multiple product categories. However, the range of options from which customers can choose easily stretches into thousands of upholstery fabric, leather, wood and metal combinations. Visualizing what a customized end product would look like proved to be quite a challenge, especially for customers browsing online.At first, Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams addressed the challenge on its website by photographing product samples and retouching the imagery to create additional options, a time-consuming and costly approach dependent upon products being manufactured.However, doing photoshoots and even reusing photographs with image-altering tools was still not enough to help the team render imagery at scale — let alone show every customer the full range of customization options. Furthermore, image quality often couldn’t represent the quality of the product.“Today, customers buy what they’re able to see”, says Emily Xu, Chief Marketing Officer at Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams. “That’s why we began asking ourselves: what can we do to improve the digital experience of customers shopping online?”

Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams began the partnership with Cylindo, hoping to tackle multiple visualization challenges at scale.
Here’s how the brand is using Cylindo to visualize products, improve the customer experience online and in-store, and increase sales.

Introduce Cylindo 360 HD Viewer on product pages

Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams energized the on-page experience for customers browsing online with the Cylindo 360 HD Viewer.
Buyers can now customize their products, inspect every inch in 360-degree views, and magnify to view the items in 4K zoom.

Equip sales teams in stores with an easy-to-use tool

"Making a positive impression on our design associates is another positive impact we’ve seen emerge from the Cylindo partnership", adds Xu.
By having the web experience available to Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams design associates, they can easily leverage the Cylindo 360 HD Viewer with customers in-store.
Generating a configurable product and showing customers what the product would look like on the spot has been a major success.

Leverage 3D assets with floor planning tools

Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams teams are well aware of the importance of future-proofing your 3D assets.
By building a library of 3D assets, MG+BW design teams now have assets ready to be leveraged across multiple compatible tools with a click of a button.
"Having our design associates be such strong supporters — advocates, really! — for Cylindo is another massive win for our teams internally", concludes Xu.

Create content with Cylindo 3D assets

Thanks to the versatility of future-proofed 3D assets, the marketing teams can leverage Cylindo 3D assets in content creation as well, creating engaging content that promotes the configurable products in the Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams offering.

The Results

Once Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams launched Cylindo, the results immediately followed.
"After launching with Cylindo on our product pages, we’ve witnessed a lift in upholstery sales in the Ecommerce Channel by 60%", says Xu.

Strong results are visible across key materials: sales of leather products doubled. "The image quality of the leather is impressive: the level of detail, the texture, etc. — it’s all super-realistic", adds Xu.

Overall, there was a 30% increase in sales across products in the spring collection, with Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams closely tracking analytics to maximize ROI.
Cylindo remains a committed partner to the brand and is supporting the MG+BW teams as they seek to convey the same product page experience to the product listing experience. In addition, the teams are keen beta testers for Cylindo's new modules and features. (Music to our ears!)
"We look forward to the journey that lies ahead, as both sides partner on replacing and digitizing some of the traditional mechanisms that are outdated and no longer efficient", says Xu.